Resources for Landowners and Practitioners

A Tough Decision
We know Iowa's rural landowners carefully consider land-use options for their property. When conservation practices involve removing tillable land from production, those questions take on added significance. Do the benefits of the practice outweigh the costs? Will land productivity be impacted? Will the practice be successful? What kind of management is required and how much time will it take?
Our Prairie on Farms team and Iowa's technical service providers regularly hear variations of these questions. The Tallgrass Prairie Center, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and our partners at Iowa State STRIPS have collaborated to answer these and related questions:
- How do prairie STRIPS benefit my farm?
- Is data available to support these benefits?
- How are prairie STRIPS positioned to maximize benefits?
- What cost-share programs are available for STRIPS and other prairie plantings on private land?
- How do I choose the best seed mix?
- How do I find a native seeding contractor?
- Will the deep roots plug tile lines?
- Will the prairie planting be invaded by weeds?
- How much time will I need to allocate for maintenance?
A number of incentive programs are available to help Iowa landowners create and manage native landscapes.

Cost-share options from various agencies and private foundations, compiled by Pheasants Forever.
The United States Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency (FSA) oversees a number of voluntary, conservation-related incentive programs including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), and more.
The United State Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers a variety of voluntary programs to eligible landowners and ag producers to help sustainably manage natural resources. These include the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), and more.
This link provides a comprehensive list of funding opportunities for agricultural producers and other landowners through the NRCS. (Some of the programs listed here are also listed at the two preceding links.)
The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) helps landowners, land trusts, and other entities protect, restore, and enhance wetlands, grasslands, and working farms and ranches through conservation easements.
This partnership between the Iowa Native Seed Growers Association, the Iowa Chapter of Pheasants Forever, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources helps Iowans plant Iowa-grown native seed for wildlife habitat projects.
A list of the Iowa DNR's private lands initiatives, as well as a link to its private lands program staff.
Financial assistance for conservation practices is available through IDALS. Fund allocations are made to soil and water conservation districts, where commissioners set priorities for their use, and field office staff provide technical assistance.
The Partners for Fish & Wildlife program works with private landowners to improve fish and wildlife habitat on their lands. Financial assistance may be available.
Trees Forever funding programs pool resources from donors and sponsors to provide financial assistance for conservation projects.
A link to TPC peer-reviewed journal articles and technical reports. Topics include seed mix design, planting time, first-year mowing, seeding rate and depth, and enhancement of CRP for monarch and pollinator habitat.
A fact sheet that covers the basics about native seed mixes.
A versatile online tool that allows you to design a custom native seed mix, check for relative costs of native seed, and find out what species are best suited to your county and soil types. Recommended seeding rates and species represent our best insights based on research and experience.
An annually updated list of native seed vendors and seeding/management contractors doing business in Iowa. This is our most-downloaded publication.
USDA fact sheet (December 2019) about CRP funding for prairie strips.
USDA technical note (December 2021) on planning and installing prairie strips.
An introductory fact sheet for farmers with commonly asked questions.
Answers for farmers with commonly asked questions.
A fact sheet explaining estimated establishment and management costs using the Iowa Custom Rates survey.
Establishing and Managing Prairies for Enhanced Environmental Quality, Livestock Grazing and Hay Production, Bioenergy Production, and Carbon Sequestration