Research and Restoration Sites

We have experiments, demonstration sites, and other study areas throughout eastern and northeastern Iowa, but we work more broadly in working landscapes throughout the Upper Midwest via participation in the conservation and ecological restoration community.  Key research and demonstration areas are listed below:


Protected Lands

Irvine Prairie


Irvine Prairie is a 292-acre prairie-in-progress on the farm of Cathy Irvine in memory of her husband David. In partnership with Cathy and the farm operator, we are restoring an ecologically diverse tallgrass prairie in a way that allows research and adaptive restoration.



Technical Reports

Annual Science Reports



Biodiversity off the shelf: trade-offs with commercial native seed. Fifth National Native Seed Conference, Alexandria, VA, Mar 27-30, 2023.



Pheasants Forever, USDA-NRCS, UNI Biology Dept



Cedar River Natural Resource Area Biomass Site


The Cedar River Natural Resource Area Biomass Site is part of Black Hawk County Conservation's Cedar River Natural Resource Area. 



Technical Reports

Giddens, E. 2017. Linking Nutrient Reduction Practices with Biomass Energy: Quantifying Thermal Energy Demand and Supply Capacity for Representative Farms in Eastern Iowa

Cambardella, C., K. Elgersma, E. Giddens, et al. 2015. Prairie Power Project: Determining Maximum Sustainable Production of Biomass With a Mixture of Prairie Species



Butterfly and floral community dynamics at a native prairie agrofuel research site

Biodiversity and ecosystem function and the design of tallgrass restorations for biomass production

The utility of high-diversity prairie mixtures as bioenergy feedstocks

Early avian colonization in a prairie biofuel project

Effects of soil type and plant diversity on soil respiration and litter decomposition in a tallgrass prairie biofuel production system

A comparison of the effects of burning, haying and mowing on plants and small mammals in a tallgrass prairie reconstruction

The effects of mycorrhizal inoculant and micronutrients on early plant establishment during a tallgrass prairie reconstruction



Cedar Falls Utilities, UNI Biology Dept, Black Hawk County Conservation

On Farm Research Sites

Fayette County Seed Mix Research Site


The Fayette County Seed Mix Research Site is a privately owned demonstration area established in partnership with Pheasants Forever and Fayette County NRCS. This site has a field experiment investigating seed mix adaptation to dry soils, as well as demonstrations of prairie planted in dormant and growing seasons.



Technical Reports

Meissen, JC. 2019. Designing multifunctional, cost-effective prairies for dry marginal lands. Technical report. Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa.



Pheasants Forever, Fayette County Conservation, NRCS



Roadman Farm


Roadman Farm is a privately owned demonstration area established in partnership with Iowa State University's Prairie STRIPS team of staff, faculty and students. Research on prairie strip seed mix design was conducted here beginning in 2016, and continues today. 



Technical Reports

Meissen, JC. 2022. Optimizing graminoid composition in cost-effective seed mixes for prairie strips.  Technical report. Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA.



(Featured photo) Farming for solutions: Perennial plants and native prairie show promise for sustainability, climate goals



ISU STRIPS, Hertz Farm Management, TPC Prairie on Farms Program

Dedicated Research Areas

Prairie on Farms Research and Demonstration Area

seed mix experiment


Prairie on Farms Research and Demonstration Area, located on the grounds of the Tallgrass Prairie Center and University of Northern Iowa campus, serves as an experimental field station and demonstration site to address topics in prairie reconstruction with relevance to incorporating prairie in agricultural landscapes.



Peer-reviewed Articles

Glidden, A. J., M. E. Sherrard, J. C. Meissen, M. C. Myers, K. J. Elgersma, and L. L. Jackson. 2022. Planting time, first-year mowing, and seed mix design influence ecological outcomes in agroecosystem revegetation projects. Restoration Ecology e13818.


Glidden, A. J. 2021. Seed mix design, planting time, and first-year mowing management to improve multifunctionality and cost-effectiveness of tallgrass prairie reconstructions


Technical Reports

Meissen, JC. 2022. Assessing outcome predictability in prairie strip establishment. Technical report. Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA.

Meissen, JC. 2020. Assessing cost-effectiveness and establishment in prairie strips using surface and drill seeding methods. Technical report. Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa.



TPC Prairie on Farms Program, UNI Biology Dept, UNI Geography Dept



Field Experiments at the ISU Northeast Research Farm

seed mix experiment


We have a seed mix design experiment located at Iowa State University's Northeast Research Farm in Nashua, Iowa. This long-running experiment is also being used to answer new questions about grass-specific herbicide management.



Peer-reviewed Articles

Meissen, J. C., A. J. Glidden, M. E. Sherrard, K. J. Elgersma, and L. L. Jackson. 2020. Seed mix design and first year management influence multifunctionality and cost-effectiveness in prairie reconstruction. Restoration Ecology 28:807–816.


Technical Reports

Meissen, J., 2023. “Enhancing CRP for Monarchs Using Mid-Contract Management”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2022(5), 33-34.



ISU STRIPS, ISU Northeast Research Farm

Iowa Roadsides

Prairie Enhancement Demonstration Network

roadside demo


In partnership with Benton, Linn, and Fayette County IRM programs, we established three roadside prairie enhancement experiment areas in three eastern Iowa counties. These experiments have helped inform the challenges of converting cool-season grass stands to diverse native prairie.



Technical Reports

Meissen, JC. 2017. Prairie enhancement of non-native cool-season grass stands. Technical report. Tallgrass Prairie Center, University of Northern Iowa.



Benton County IRM, Linn County IRM, Fayette County IRM