Table of Contents
The Species Production Guides for sedges and rushes provide specific information about growing each of these species for seed production.
Scroll the list (alphabetized by scientific name) or press ctrl-f (or command-f) to search for any name in this page.
A printable file (pdf) is also provided on each completed species page for those needing a print version.
This section is a work in progress. We will continue to add new species guides as they are completed. At this time, one upland, one obligate wetland, and one facultative wetland species are complete. Propagation of other species in those categories is similar, except for the rhizomatous ones. The methods used for Carex bicknellii, for example, can be applied to other tufted, upland species such as C. brevior and C. molesta.
Carex annectens / yellowfruit sedge
Carex bebbii / Bebb's sedge
Carex brevior / shortbeak sedge
Carex buxbaumii / Buxbaum's sedge
Carex cristatella / crested sedge
Carex gravida / heavy sedge
Carex interior / inland sedge
- Carex laeviconica / smoothcone sedge
Carex molesta / troublesome sedge
Carex pellita / woolly sedge
Carex sartwellii / Sartwell's sedge
Carex stricta / upright sedge
Carex suberecta / prairie straw sedge
Carex tribuloides / blunt broom sedge
Carex vulpinoidea / fox sedge
Scirpus atrovirens / green bulrush
Scirpus cyperinus / woolgrass