Roader's Digest

Monthly Email Updates
Subscribe to Roader’s Digest, our monthly email update for roadside managers, and stay up-to-date on news about roadside management staff, events, links to articles and videos relevant to your work, and more.
Slides of AFIRM meeting presentations now available on website, Senate Joint Resolution 6, Celebrate Iowa's Outdoors Day on March 20, information about new Iowa DOT employee Andy Minnick
LRTF grant applications available, welcome to T.J. Jacobsen in Audubon County, blog post comparing features of a knife mulcher and hammer brush mulcher, information for transportation pollinator habitat webinar on February 18
TPC Highlights, new toolkit for selecting and finding CRP plant materials, article on stormwater management and ROW
Audubon County roadside manager/weed commissioner opening, Wright County board of supervisors announces intent to start a program, Kristine Nemec interviewed for Gazette article on Iowa's environmental history
Jim Uthe's new position as Dallas County Deputy Conservation Director, landowner testimonial videos about to go live on social media, and a link to the Iowa Roadside Curriculum Project handbook.
News coverage of the increasing implementation of prairie strips in crop fields on farms, a traveling Iowa Association of Naturalists exhibit on display in Lee County about the history of tallgrass prairie in Iowa, and a journal article on the resilience of monarch butterflies to sodium from road salt found in roadside plants.
The opening of Resilient Iowa Communities award nominations and an upcoming registration deadline for the 2024 Roadside Conference.
Career updates for former Cerro Gordo County Roadside Manager Ty Hamiel and Stroy County Vegetation Management Specialist Tyler Kelle, registration for the 2024 Roadside Conference, and upcoming roadside manager site tours in Black Hawk and Story Counties in collaboration with Stewards of the Beautiful Land.
Registration for the 2024 Roadside Conference and an industry article about research findings showing the benefits of restoring oil and gas rights-of-way using native vegetation compared to non-native vegetation.
The upcoming deadline for the Matt Sherman Memorial Scholarship, a Linn County press release that other counties can use as a template reminding residents of the state’s no-mowing law, the Tallgrass Prairie Center’s upcoming summer open house, and an industry article about strategies for gaining buy-in from managers and executives for integrated vegetation management techniques for right-of-way vegetation.
Welcoming new Benton County Roadside Manager Eric Schares, a news article about a controlled burn at the Cedar Bluffs Natural Area which included Mahaska County Roadside Manager Ben Hoskinson on the burn crew, and a redesign of the Tallgrass Prairie Center website, a journal review article detailing the costs and benefits pollinator habitat in the roadsides, and a document from Purdue University discussing the science of spray nozzle technology for pesticide application.
Resources for prescribed burns, updated 2024 Iowa Prairie Seed and Service Provider List, Hawkeye CMWA Invasive Species Field Day registration, Joe Kooiker retirement, and the timeline for monarch butterfly Endangered Species Act listing decision.
Announcement of the date of the next Roadside Vegetation Programs 101 webinar, supervisors propose change related to weed control in Benton County, job openings for Story County and Benton County roadside manager positions, two early detection plants of concern for Iowa, and two national articles on the importance of roadside vegetation.
Roadside manager staffing updates from Fayette and Benton Counties, roadside vegetation management and monarch butterfly habitat in Iowa were featured in the cover story of the new issue of National Geographic, and a call for abstracts for the 2024 Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference.
Previous Issues
- 2023
A news article introducing Winneshiek County's new engineer, information about a plant identification virtual class, and the Tallgrass Prairie Center Annual Report.
A news article reporting plans to demolish an existing Interstate 80 bridge across the Mississippi River that had been proposed to become a public pedestrian/wildlife crossing, research findings regarding monarch habitat near agricultural fields, and recent information about pumper units for controlled burning.
A news article detailing 2023 Roadside Conference attendees' visit to Irvine Prairie, a video featuring three Iowa roadside managers at work, introducing Benton County’s new roadside manager, and a video about identifying and controlling invasive plants.
A technical report about predicting the presence or absence of three invasive species and a new book on road ecology.
A photo from the Tallgrass Prairie Center’s annual root pull, information about 2023 Roadside Conference hotels, meet Polk County’s new roadside manager and biologist, and an update on state recommendations pertaining to the Living Roadway Trust Fund Technical Advisory Committee.
2023 Roadside Conference registration information, a news article about Winneshiek County’s efforts to study its integrated roadside vegetation management plan, roadside plantings alongside the RAGBRAI route in Story County, and a native plant tour in Scott Count featuring roadside locations.
A sneak preview of the 2023 Roadside Conference agenda, a recap of the North American Prairie Conference in Altoona, information about Stewards of the Beautiful Land programming, Winneshiek County’s plans to study its integrated roadside vegetation management plan, and a new report showing the cost savings from using native seed mixes.
Updates from the Winneshiek County Board of Supervisors meeting regarding the sale of seed production plots and a plan to review its integrated roadside vegetation management plan, welcoming Wapello County’s new roadside manager, national news regarding a Supreme Court decision that scales back wetlands protection, and IRVM-related legislative news from Minnesota and Rhode Island.
A news article about the uncertainty surrounding the future of Winneshiek County’s integrated roadside vegetation management plan, welcoming the Iowa Department of Transportation’s new roadside development supervisor, and a new research report detailing efforts to plant forbs into established roadside vegetation in Nebraska.
Presentations from the winter Association for Integrated Roadside Management meeting, a summary of discussions related to Winneshiek County’s integrated roadside vegetation management plan, job openings at the Tallgrass Prairie Center, a new report discussing turfgrass seed mixture recommendations from Minnesota, and a new book about prairie plants for gardeners.
A news article reporting the Winneshiek County engineer’s report to the county board of supervisors about its integrated roadside vegetation management plan, registration information for the International Low Volume Roads conference, information about abstract submissions for the 2023 North American Prairie Conference, summer AmeriCorps job openings at the Tallgrass Prairie Center, a March webinar on prairie restoration from the TPC, and a new report on long-term vegetation management strategies for roadsides.
A news article on Dubuque’s approval of increasing plant height allowance in roadsides to grow biodiversity, upcoming presentations on roadside vegetation from two county roadside managers, a new book on creating a sustainable future in Iowa by Connie Mutel, and a website article about two new federal rules that may impact the building of new roads.
- 2022
Updates to the online maps displaying information about roadside managers, news coverage of legislation in Maryland protecting homeowners’ eco-friendly lawns from homeowner association restrictions, and an industry article describing an excavator drum mulcher used for roadside management.
An announcement of a new roadside manager for Mills County; information about applying for a grant from the Iowa Native Plant Society for native plants projects; an invitation to read the 2022 Tallgrass Prairie Center report; a coloring book from the Tallgrass Prairie Center featuring native plants, animals, and insects found in Iowa prairies; and a webinar from the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group at the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois Chicago.
Hotel information for the 2023 Roadside Conference in Cedar Falls, introducing Benton County’s new roadside manager/weed commissioner, answers to frequently asked questions about monarchs and roadsides from Monarch Joint Venture, and a new journal article from two Iowa State University researchers about the effect of seeding cover crops on tallgrass prairie plant community and weed development.
A save-the-date reminder for the 2023 Roadside Conference, information on where to find “Do Not Mow or Spray” signs, a roadside personnel update from Benton County, and a news article mentioning Linn County’s Adopt-a-Roadside program which seeks to beautify roadside in-part through native vegetation plantings.
Roadside management personnel updates from around the state, 2022 Roadsides in Bloom photo contest winners, and findings from researchers at the University of Minnesota about roadsides as habitats for pollinators.
A Linn County workshop about moths, 2022 Roadside Conference lodging and registration reminders, and a webinar about roadsides as habitats for monarch butterflies and pollinators.
The 2022 Roadside Conference brochure, an opening for a roadside biologist with Black Hawk County, introducing two new county roadside managers, and a Pheasants Forever Canada fact sheet on the benefits of roadside native vegetation.
A free invasive species field day event in Jones County, 2022 Roadside Conference information, a resource for avoiding spraying around organic farms, welcoming Wapello County’s new roadside manager, and an update on the upcoming North American Prairie Conference.
Retro 1990s videos about roadside vegetation management, the updated list of roadside manager or engineer contacts, and a new public awareness campaign about the benefits of native roadside vegetation from Pheasants Forever Canada.
Chainsaw safety tips from the Iowa Department of Transportation, a buyback program from Dallas County Roadside Management to control the invasive Callery pear trees, the Tallgrass Prairie Center’s updated list of Iowa Prairie Seed and Service Providers, and two roadside manager staffing updates.
A roadside manager opening in Dickinson County, introducing Mills County’s first roadside vegetation manager, and key takeaways from the Transportation Research Board Maintenance Operations Committee meeting about invasive species and roadside pollinator habitat grants.
New training requirements for commercial driver’s license applicants, a community disaster recovery coordinator opening with Trees Forever and the Iowa Department of Transportation, fireline safety training from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and an extension for the winter roadside photo contest.
- 2021
Welcoming Muscatine County’s new roadside manager/weed commissioner, the commencement of the winter roadside photo contest, and a virtual seminar with author and prairie conservationist Ben Vogt about the value of native plants.
A series of virtual classes with Dr. Tom Rosburg on plant identification & conservation and a new journal article reporting findings on seed mix design for prairie restoration.
A news article on potential benefits for pollinators from federal infrastructure legislation, the 2022 roadside calendar with a focus on roadside habitat for birds, welcoming the Tallgrass Prairie Center’s new 11-month AmeriCorps members, an effort to encourage native plants in yards, and news about water regulations and animal crossings from the Transportation Research Board’s Standing Committee on Environmental Analysis and Ecology.
A survey from the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group at the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois Chicago seeking input on cost-benefit data for conventional and pollinator-friendly vegetation management, Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) meetings are happening across the state, recognizing Muscatine County Roadside Manager Bruce Bryant’s retirement, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ “2021 August Roadside Survey Map and Report” for ring-necked pheasants, and a news article on aspects of the proposed federal infrastructure bill that would promote pollinator-friendly practices in roadsides and highway rights-of-way.
Information on Dickinson County’s goal of converting 3 percent of its rights-of-way to native vegetation annually and staff updates from Wapello County and the Iowa Roadside Management Office.
Introducing the Living Roadway Trust Fund’s new assistant, a news article about natural vegetation in Iowa and Winnebago Counties, and a report detailing findings from a study of economic and environmental benefits of a reduced mowing program for roadsides in Kentucky.
Funding for Living Roadway Trust Fund grants through Resource Enhancement and Protection are extended through 2026, a news article reporting the proposed repurposing of a bridge between Iowa and Illinois for use by wildlife and people, a blog post from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Crop Management about the weed Palmer amaranth in Iowa, and 2021 Roadside Conference details.
Approval of Wapello County’s first integrated roadside vegetation management plan, a reminder of the approaching deadline for Living Roadway Trust Fund grant applications, and findings from a study on the effects of planting monarch butterfly habitat close to farm fields.
A reminder of the deadline for Living Roadway Trust Fund grant applications, a news article about the controlled burning of roadside vegetation in Winneshiek County, a request for photo submissions, a webinar series from Stewards of the Beautiful Land, a news article about reducing turtle deaths with fences near roads in Minnesota, and two new journal articles reporting findings about roadside vegetation policy and invasive ragweed dispersal.
Chickasaw County Roadside Manager Denise Straw’s retirement, our new quarterly newsletter, a scholarship for natural resources college students, a symposium on managing right-of-way habitat at the Society for Ecological Restoration's virtual Midwest Chapter meeting, and two new journal articles reporting findings on monarch habitat near farm fields and the impact of pollution on pollinators in roadsides.
A grant-funded research project inventorying plants in Scott County roadsides, the Iowa Department of Transportation's “Erosion and Sediment Control Field Guide,” the passing of conservationist Paul Johnson, a news article on raptors kiting above Iowa roads, a call for presenters at the Society for Ecological Restoration's virtual Midwest Chapter meeting, and a new model of a rotary slope mower.
Keokuk County implements its integrated roadside vegetation management plan with the hiring of a roadside manager, a new Iowa Roadside Management Office YouTube Channel featuring short documentaries with two current roadside managers, seasonal roadside vegetation management job openings in Story County, and an update on the funding picture for the Living Roadway Trust Fund.
- 2020
Wapello County launches its integrated roadside vegetation management plan with the hiring of a roadside manager, cancelation of the 2021 North American Prairie Conference in Des Moines, a job opening for a part-time community engagement coordinator at the Tallgrass Prairie Center, an update on ongoing efforts to support monarch butterfly habitats, and a news article about the opening of the nation’s largest wildlife bridge in San Antonio.
A new handout from the Iowa Roadside Management Office with information related to concerns over increased deer-vehicle collisions on roads with native vegetation in the roadsides, an Iowa Prairie Network newsletter article about native thistles, postponement of the 2021 Iowa Weed Commissioners/Invasive Species Conference, distribution of the 2021 roadside calendar, farewell to Tallgrass Prairie Center Outreach Coordinator Staci Mueller, and information about invasive plant threats in the Midwest.
Appointment of a new roadside manager in Cerro Gordo County and welcoming AmeriCorps staff members Andrew Olsen and Ethan Evans to the Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Staffing updates at the Iowa Department of Transportation and Guthrie County, a news article about roadside plantings in Scott County, a call for more native roadside vegetation in a blog post by former Iowa State Representative Paul Johnson, an industry article on a pre-vegetated blanket for slope stabilization, and agenda details for the upcoming Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Roadside Maintenance Operations webinar.
An inquiry about uses for unwanted stockpiled wood chips, a roadside manager job opening in Cerro Gordo County, a hire by Winnebago County Conservation to assist with its integrated roadside vegetation management program, inventorying of roadside plants in Black Hawk and Buchanan Counties by AmeriCorps members, new beginnings for Tallgrass Prairie Center AmeriCorps Communications Assistants Paige Shafer and Rowan McMullen Cheng following the end of their terms, and a journal article about roadside erosion control practices.
The postponement of the 2020 Roadside Conference, a news article about the importance of milkweed quoting Winneshiek County Roadside Manager Corey Meyer, the Cedar Valley’s Irvine Prairie, and published research findings showing the benefits of roadside vegetation for pollinators.
Roadside manager staffing updates from Henry, Hardin, and Benton Counties, the postponement of the 2020 Roadside Conference, and the cancellation of the Iowa State Association of Counties conference.
Registration is open for the 2020 Stewards of the Beautiful Land workshops, the Tallgrass Prairie Center is hosting Botany Beginners webinars in June and July, an update on the 2020 Roadside Conference, cancellation of the 2020 National Roadside Vegetation Management Association Conference, and a news article describing a national conservation agreement to preserve habitats for monarch butterflies.
A staffing update from the Iowa Department of Transportation, a roadside technician job opening with Dickinson County, a form for no-spray requests for Guthrie County, photo submission information for the 2021 roadside calendar, a North American Invasive Species Management Association video explaining the use of the herbicide Triclopyr, and a news article about possible benefits to be enjoyed by bees and wildflowers due to roadsides being left unmowed during pandemic lockdowns in Europe.
Staffing updates from Dickinson and Henry Counties, information about Winneshiek County’s No Spray in the Right-of-Way program, planning information for the 2020 Roadside Conference, industry articles about new hydroseeding equipment and rotary cutter attachments, and a Minnesota Department of Transportation resource for identifying noxious weeds.
A staffing update from Dickinson County, a scholarship for college students pursuing a career in integrated roadside vegetation management, a call for presenters at the 2020 North American Prairie Conference, summer AmeriCorps job openings at the Tallgrass Prairie Center, nominations are open for the 2020 North American Pollinator Protection Campaign Roadside Management Awards, a blog post from The Nature Conservancy about speed limit considerations and wildlife safety on the roads, and published research findings on the role of prescribed fires in successful prairie plant reproduction.
An upcoming registration deadline for the Iowa Weed Commissioners Conference, agenda information for the 2020 Association for Integrated Roadside Management meeting, farewell to Tallgrass Prairie Center Prairie on Farms Program Manager Ashley Kittle, a blog post about viewing roadside flowers while on the move, and a National Cooperative Highway Research Program research report about using roadsides for monarch butterfly habitats.
- 2019
A new name and logo for the Iowa Roadside Management Office and staffing updates from Linn and Benton Counties and the Iowa Department of Transportation.
A news article remembering Linn County Roadside Vegetation Manager Rob Roman, Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) assemblies happening around the state, and research findings published by Iowa State University researchers showing the importance of prairie plants for honeybees living in hives on primarily agricultural land.
Remembering the late Linn County Roadside Vegetation Manager Rob Roman; staffing updates from the Living Roadway Trust Fund, Hardin County and Van Diest Supply; and a journal article detailing research findings on how climate change is being incorporated into invasive species management by natural resource managers.
A new handout on the impacts of climate change in Iowa, Iowa State University weed specialist Bob Hartzler’s blog post about efforts to eradicate the Palmer amaranth weed in western Iowa, welcoming new AmeriCorps personnel at the Tallgrass Prairie Center, Living Roadway Trust Fund’s award-winning pollinator poster series, a journal article reporting findings about factors such as seed mix design and mowing practices in the process of restoring prairie, and a news article about a University of Minnesota study examining the effects of road salt on monarch butterflies.
A call for photo submissions for the 2020 roadside calendar, a prescribed fire specialist job opening with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and journal articles about the impacts of agricultural soil erosion on roadsides and the detrimental effects of insects eating prairie plant seeds on prairie restoration efforts.
Iowa State University weed specialist Bob Hartzler’s question-and-answer blog post about the wild parsnip weed, information about an upcoming prairie dedication on the University of Northern Iowa campus, the Tallgrass Prairie Center summer newsletter, a roadside vegetation management intern opening with Cerro Gordo County, a news article about new legislation in North Carolina prioritizing planting native species in roadsides, an interactive map showing native seed vendors and experts in the United States and Canada from the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group at the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois Chicago, and an announcement from the Illinois Department of Agriculture about the discovery of the pathogen that causes Sudden Oak Death in the state.
Roadside manager staffing updates from Marion and Pocahontas Counties, Iowa State University weed specialist Bob Hartzler’s blog post about the wild parsnip weed in Iowa, a journal article about common milkweed in roadsides, and an AmeriCorps job opening at the Tallgrass Prairie Center.
Farewell to Marion County Roadside Manager Ted Dykstra, a news article covering the implementation of native roadside vegetation in Scott County, findings from a University of Iowa study conducted in Buchanan County showing how road ditches can be effective at removing nitrate from water, a news article quoting Roadside Program Manager Kristine Nemec about an Iowa law prohibiting mowing in roadsides until after July 15 to protect nesting songbirds and game birds, registration information for the Iowa Prairie Conference, an extension of the deadline for determining if the monarch butterfly warrants Endangered Species Act protection, and a request for those with experience designing prairie restoration seed mixes to respond to a research survey.
An Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program newsletter article about the benefits of native roadside vegetation, registration information for the Iowa Prairie Conference, a scholarship for college students pursuing a career in integrated roadside vegetation management, AmeriCorps job openings at the Tallgrass Prairie Center, and a request for those with experience designing prairie restoration seed mixes to respond to a research survey.
Registration information for the Society for Ecological Restoration Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter meeting in Pella, a grass identification workshop in Oxford, and findings from Iowa State University Institute for Transportation researchers examining how bridges function as roosting habitats for bats.
Registration information for the Society for Ecological Restoration Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter meeting in Pella, calls from Keep Iowa Beautiful for counties to participate in its Hometown Pride program and the Iowa Department of Transportation to participate in 2019 Urban Youth Corps program, archived presentations from the 2018 Upper Midwest Invasive Species - North American Invasive Species Management Association Joint Conference, a new newsletter from the Transportation Research Board Committee on Ecology and Transportation, and a herbicide guide from the Texas Department of Transportation.
- 2018
An opportunity to comment on proposed amendments to Iowa’s noxious weed law, results from a survey about roadside mowing from the Iowa County Engineers Service Bureau, an Environmental Defense Fund survey about the costs of prairie restoration practices, and a recorded webinar on conservation mowing techniques from the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group at the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois Chicago.
A news article explaining scientists’ concerns that Environmental Protection Agency restrictions on the use of dicamba herbicide will not prevent widespread crop damage, study findings showing the importance of residential yards containing native plants to support bird populations, and a children’s book about the importance of native bees and plants that can be used for youth outreach.
Welcoming Laura Fischer Walter as the Tallgrass Prairie Center’s new plant materials program manager, information and a call for presenters for the 2019 North American Prairie Conference, and a spooky article about scary plants for Halloween.
A land conservation director job opening at The Whiterock Conservancy near Coon Rapids, presentation files and other information from the 2018 Roadside Conference, and news coverage of the potentially dangerous giant hogweed plant spotted in parts of Illinois and Wisconsin.
A registration reminder for the 2018 Roadside Conference, a call for photos for the 2019 roadside calendar, new vegetation and roadside personnel hired in Waverly and Winneshiek County, the second highest pheasant population in a decade recorded via survey results from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and new issues of the Tallgrass Prairie Center and 2018 Committee on Ecology and Transportation newsletters.
Hotel and registration information for the 2018 Roadside Conference, an upcoming monarch and pollinator habitat tour near Dysart, a plant materials program manager job opening at the Tallgrass Prairie Center, registration information for the upcoming Grassland Restoration Network workshop, a news article about a Montana State University research project using wool for erosion control, and a blog post from The Nature Conservancy addressing six myths about poison ivy.
Registration information for the 2018 Roadside Conference, Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium’s upcoming Monarch Conservation Summit and Field Day near Boone, Practical Farmers of Iowa and Pesticide Action Network’s updated “Pesticide Drift Response Guide for Iowa's Farmers and Rural Residents,” an opportunity to comment on the Iowa Department of Transportation’s proposal to close 11 highway rest areas, and registration information for the Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference.
The agenda and other information for the 2018 Roadside Conference; the upcoming Forestry Mower Demo Day organized by Johnson County Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management, Poweshiek County Conservation and Hawkeye Cooperative Weed Management Area; Praie Rivers of Iowa’s upcoming Outdoor Learning Environments Conference; a journal article reporting findings about water quality in ditches in eastern Iowa; and a blog post from The Nature Conservancy about study findings testing the use of white canvas bags to reduce deer-vehicle collisions.
A new roadside manager hired in Franklin County, a call for photo submissions for the 2019 roadside calendar, an upcoming monarch butterfly monitoring training session, and research findings that show a reduction in roadside mowing does not lead to a proliferation of invasive species in the roadsides.
A collaboration between Story County Conservation, ITC Midwest, a landowner, and Prudenterra to restore an oak savanna in Story County right-of-way; new officers elected to the Association for Integrated Roadside Management; job openings at the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Tallgrass Prairie Center, a classroom activity guide about wildflowers and native plants for students in Grades 3–4, and a call for presenters at the Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference.
A new online story map published on the Tallgrass Prairie Center website, an upcoming end-user seminar covering chemical and fertilizer options from Van Diest Supply Company, Story County Roadside Biologist Joe Kooiker recognized by the Story County chapter of Pheasants Forever for 30 years of service, information about the 2018 North American Prairie Conference, the new issue of the Transportation Research Board's Committee on Ecology and Transportation newsletter, an upcoming Midwest Invasive Plant Network webinar on Canada thistle in Minnesota, and resources from The Nature Conservancy on developing weed management plans and herbicide use.
- 2017
An industry article on Iowa’s recent gas tax increase leading to an extra $515 million for state and local road and bridge construction projects, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation’s new edition of the “Iowa Landowner Options” booklet to assist those wishing to protect their land permanently, mailing of the 2018 roadside calendar, the Tallgrass Prairie Center autumn newsletter, upcoming fire training opportunities from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and an upcoming Midwest Invasive Plant Network webinar on restoring sites infested with Phragmites australis.
A news article profiling Hardin County Roadside Manager Megan Dohrman, research findings on the ecological benefits of planting prairie strips in crop fields, a Trees Forever guide for communities seeking funding for projects such as planting native vegetation, free milkweed plugs available from Monarch Watch, information about a biodegradable sock to use as a containment device for milkweed seed when planting in roadsides, a news article about Scott County’s new integrated roadside vegetation management plan, and details about the upcoming Palmer amaranth conference and the joint conference with the Upper Midwest Invasive Species and North American Invasive Species Management Association.
Registration and hotel information for the upcoming Quad Cities Pollinator Conference and Iowa Roadside Conference, two upcoming free Prairie on Farms field days to learn about prairie installations on farms, meet Ringgold County’s new roadside manager, a news article detailing an Illinois Department of Transporation project about the feasibility of using biomass from roadside vegetation as a renewable energy source, a news article about a new policy in Winona County in Minnesota allowing landowners to request that the county refrains from spraying or mowing the right-of-way adjacent to their property to facilitate the growth of native prairie plants, a Pesticide Action Network toolkit for landowners dealing with pesticide drift, and information from the Midwest Invasive Plant Network about invasive plant management.
A news article about a collaboration between Linn County Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management and Monarch Research Project to organize volunteers to plant pollinator habitat in roadsides, information about the upcoming Palmer amaranth conference, new roadside managers in Winneshieka and Worth Counties, an article about establishing monarch habitat along Interstate 35, and agenda and registration information for the 2017 Roadside Conference.
Agenda and registration information for the 2017 Roadside Conference and new roadside managers in Buena Vista, Hardin, and Scott Counties.
Interviews for hiring new roadside managers in Buena Vista, Hardin, Scott and Winneshiek Counties, four upcoming free Prairie on Farms field days to learn about prairie installations on farms, an upcoming webinar about the revised roadside revegetation guide from the U.S. Forest Service and Federal Highways Administration, a scholarship for college students pursuing a career in integrated roadside vegetation management, a summary of a presentation on bridges and culverts in Nebraska as bat habitat from the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, and the new issue of the Transportation Research Board's Committee on Ecology and Transportation newsletter.
New brochures available detailing various aspects of integrated roadside vegetation management, a scholarship for college students pursuing a career in integrated roadside vegetation management, integrated roadside vegetation management strategies included in the Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium’s “Conservation Strategy for the Eastern Monarch Butterfly in Iowa,” roadside manager openings in Scott, Hardin, Buena Vista and Winneshiek Counties, and invasive plant species guides from the Midwest Invasive Plant Network.
A new leader for Washington County’s integrated roadside vegetation management program, reorganizing the Guthrie County integrated roadside vegetation management program, upcoming in-person fire training from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, news articles about enforcement efforts in Hancock County of regulations for crop encroachment into road ditches and plans to hire a roadside manager in Scott County, new officers elected to the Association for Integrated Roadside Management board, a scholarship for college students pursuing a career in integrated roadside vegetation management, a call from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach for examples of roadside spraying or crop encroachment to use in continuing education classes, and research findings about the impact of mowing frequency on native grass and wildflower species in Mississippi.
A new roadside manager for Iowa County; a news article about Scott County’s new integrated roadside vegetation management steering committee; a research project looking at the nutrient reduction benefits of roadside ditches in Buchanan County funded by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center with collaborators from the Tallgrass Prairie Center, Coe College, and the University of Iowa; a new issue of the Iowa State Association of Counties magazine featuring an article about integrated roadside vegetation management and the Living Roadway Trust Fund; and the new issue of the Transportation Research Board's Committee on Ecology and Transportation newsletter.
Roader's Digest 1989–2009

The original iteration of Roader's Digest was published as a printed newsletter and mailed to roadside managers and other subscribers. Take a trip down memory lane (or laneside) and learn about the early years of roadside vegetation managment.