Technical Publications


The following are available through University of Iowa Press or Amazon. 

The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Prairie Restoration in the Upper Midwest.                       

Daryl Smith, Dave Williams, Greg Houseal, and Kirk Henderson. University of Iowa Press.

Peer-reviewed Scientific Research

Glidden, A.J., M.E. Sherrard, J.C. Meissen, M.C. Myers, K.J. Elgersma, and L.L. Jackson. 2022. Planting time, first-year mowing, and seed mix design influence ecological outcomes in agroecosystem revegetation projects. Restoration Ecology.

Nemec, K.T., A. Stephenson, and M. Losch. 2022. How engineers and roadside vegetation managers maintain roadside vegetation in Iowa, USA. Environmental Management

Wen, A., K.J. Elgersma, M.E. Sherrard, L.L. Jackson, J. Meissen, and M.C. Myers 2022. Wild bee visitors and their association with sown and unsown floral resources in reconstructed pollinator habitats within an agriculture landscape. Insect Conservation and Diversity 15(1): 102-113.

Nemec, K.T., A. Stephenson, E.A. Gonzalez, and M. Losch. 2021. Local decision-makers' perspectives on roadside revegetation and management in Iowa, USA. Environmental Management 67:1060-1074.

Meissen, J.C., A.J. Glidden, M.E. Sherrard, K.J. Elgersma, and L.L. Jackson. 2020. Seed mix design and first year management influence multifunctionality and cost-effectiveness in prairie reconstruction. Restoration Ecology 28 (4): 807-816.

Riebkes, J.L., M.E. Sherrard, and L.L. Jackson. 2018. Supplemental seed increases native seedling establishment in roadside prairie restoration. Restoration Ecology.

​Pellish, C.A., Sherrard, M.E., Leytem, P.A., and L.L. Jackson. 2017. Small vertebrate granivores reduce seedling emergence in native tallgrass prairie restoration. Restoration Ecology.

Williams, D., and D.D. Smith, 2007. The effects of seeding rate of prairie grasses and forbs on native plant establishment in a prairie reconstruction. Iowa Department of Transportation final report.

Williams, D. and D.D. Smith. 2007. The effects of seeding time on native plant establishment in a prairie reconstruction. Iowa Department of Transportation final report.

Williams, D.,  L.L. Jackson and D.D. Smith. 2007. Effects of frequent mowing on survival and persistence of forbs seeded into a species-poor grassland. Restoration Ecology 15:24-33.



North American Tallgrass Prairie Map

Click on the map to view, download or print.

Tallgrass prairie map

22nd North American Prairie Conference Proceedings

NAPC Proceedings cover



CDs and bound hard copies of the 22nd North American Prairie Conference proceedings, which was hosted by the TPC August 1–5, 2010, are available. Please contact us for more information.