Botany Beginners 2020

Exploring Iowa's Native Plants
At the Tallgrass Prairie Center, we identify plants in order to monitor and troubleshoot prairie plantings and evaluate the results of experiments. Also, we just love native plants! In recent years, we have trained undergraduate research students and AmeriCorps service members during a 3-week “Botany Boot Camp.” With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, we found it necessary to provide their initial training some other way. We thought that others across the region might also want an introductory plant ID course and the opportunity to practice with some expert guidance. We have tried to create a worthwhile learning experience for a broad audience, using a combination of remote teaching strategies.

Who should take this course?
This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to identify native plants of the tallgrass prairie region, including a few common weeds and woodland species. This course is for beginners, and the emphasis is on learning how to learn the plants, and becoming more self-sufficient through guided practice. Once students can learn the names of the plants they are interested in, it can open up a whole new world to explore. Please join us!
- The course is free for private use and public education.
- For information on using this course for professional training and continuing education, please contact Laura Jackson.
- Required Textbook: Newcomb's Wildflower Guide (1989), available at bookstores and online for about $15.00.
- To join the Facebook group, search for "Botany Beginners" and simply request to join the group. It's a place to share photos, questions and answers with instructors and fellow students.
Click below for a peek at the syllabus and for details about your instructors, six webinar topics, and four virtual field events.
JuNe 8, 2020
Lesson One
Paige Shafer, Instructor
JuNe 11, 2020
Lesson Two
Laura Jackson, Instructor
JuNe 17, 2020
Lesson Three
Laura Walter, Instructor
JuNe 24, 2020
Lesson Four
Justin Meissen & Kristine Nemec, Instructors
July 8, 2020
Lesson Five
Justin Meissen & Laura Walter, Instructors
July 8, 2020
Lesson Six
Paige Shafer, Instructor
July 22, 2020
Prairie Walk - Irvine Prairie
Justin Meissen and Laura Walter, Hosts
July 24, 2020
Native Plants at Snyder Heritage Farm
Ryan Schmidt, Host
July 29, 2020
Prairie Walk - Bremer County
Kristine Nemec and David Lehman, Hosts
Homework #1 Google Form —
Quiz #1 Google Form —
Additional Resources
For Laura Jackson's Webinar 2 plant answer key: click here
Lecture 3 Slides (pdf): click here
Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.