Dr. Ai Wen

Dr. Ai Wen

Associate Professor

Ai Wen

Office - MSH 193

Research Lab - MSH 002

(319) 273-2670

Dr. Ai Wen

Associate Professor

  • PhD, Ecology and Evolution, Rutgers University, 2010
  • BS, Ecology and Environmental Biology, Peking University, 2002
Teaching Interests

Life: the Natural World, Organismal Diversity (lecture and lab), Capstone (Food, Energy and Society in Agriculture), Continuity and Change (lab), Ornithology; Methods in Ecology

Research Interests

Ai's research has two foci. The first is wildlife and human interactions in the agricultural ecosystem. Ai is interested in the ecosystem services provided by pollinators and birds to humans, and also examines the wildlife habitat value of farms and how sustainable agricultural practices can benefit wildlife. Second, Ai uses ecological concepts to examine microbial communities in human bodies and depict the pattern of human infectious diseases from an ecological perspective. In the long run, Ai wants to collaborate with her Chinese colleagues to work on wildlife conservation in China.

Dr. Wen has served as the coordinator for the Pollinator Habitat Evaluation Project since 2018.