Tour of Kessler Prairie

Event Details:

Sat, Jul 13 2024
9:00am - 11:00am
Poweshiek County

Tour of Kessler Prairie

Bur Oak Land Trust

Tour Kessler Prairie with Bur Oak staff. Kessler Prairie is 25.97 acres of seven separate prairies. It was donated by James and Kathryn Kessler in 2017, to protect and preserve the reconstruction efforts started by the Kessler family.

Much of the land was used for agriculture and grazing before the 1930s. The land shifted from agricultural land to brome grass and clover between the 1930s and 1990s. The transformation of the property to a reconstructed native habitat started after 1990. Kessler prairie contains a creek — which is part of the North Skunk watershed — wetlands, bur oak savanna, closed savannas, meadows, upland & lowland prairie, and diverse native sourced prairie.

Visitors can enjoy spotting wildlife, photography, walking, and plant identification.

Tour of Kessler Prairie, Bur Oak Land Trust