Establishing and Grazing Native Perennials

Event Details:

Tue, Apr 02 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm

Establishing and Grazing Native Perennials

Practical Farmers of Iowa

Including native perennials in your grazing system can have a range of benefits, from boosting drought resilience in a forage chain to adding important wildlife habitat. However, these native grasses and forbs require adaptive management to thrive. Drawing on over 50 years of experience, Kevin will share how he establishes native perennial pasture, and tips for grazing it successfully.

Kevin Fulton owns and operates Clear Creek Land & Livestock, a holistically managed organic farming and grazing operation in the Loess Hills of central Nebraska. The farm has hosted visitors from around the world and been featured in numerous publications, documentaries and videos. Kevin has held leadership positions in various farm organizations on state and national levels. He has also lectured at events from New York City to Los Angeles while educating consumers, farmers, advocacy groups and university faculty and students.

Practical Farmers of Iowa