Dr. Mark Sherrard

Dr. Mark Sherrard

Associate Teaching Professor (University of New Brunswick)

Picture of Mark

University of New Brunswick

Dr. Mark Sherrard

Associate Teaching Professor (University of New Brunswick)


Mark received his PhD (2010) and MSc (2005) from the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada and his BSc from Mount Allison University. He taught UNI Biology majors courses in Ecology, Plant Physiology, and Organismal Diversity. His research interests include the evolution of plant physiological traits, ecosystem services provided by prairie biomass feedstocks, and tallgrass prairie restoration. In Spring 2020, Dr. Sherrard accepted an Instructor position at the University of New Brunswick, in his native Canada, where he remains an important scientific colleague and collaborator.

Recent publications: 

Meissen, J, A. Glidden, M. Sherrard, K. Elgersma and L. L. Jackson.  2019. Seed mix design and first year management influence multifunctionality and cost‐effectiveness in prairie reconstruction. Restoration Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13013

Riebkes J, Sherrard ME, Jackson LJ (2018) Supplemental seed increases seedling establishment in roadside native prairie restoration. Restoration Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12699

Pellish CA, Sherrard ME, Leytem PA, Jackson LL (2017) Small vertebrate granivores reduce seedling emergence in native tallgrass prairie restoration. Restoration Ecology 26:323-330. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12557