Dr. Mark Myers
Dr. Mark Myers

Office - BRC 038
Research Lab - BRC 034
Dr. Mark Myers
Mark is interested in the ecology, evolution, and conservation of north temperate and neotropical animals, especially in relation to issues of human-induced habitat degradation and restoration. He prefers not to focus on a particular group of organisms, but on a common theme: how species' ecological characteristics and the movements of individuals influence population and community level responses to habitat alteration and/or management actions.
Other areas of interest include population and community ecology, prairie ecology and restoration, insect ecology and conservation, endangered species conservation, aquatic ecology and conservation, international conservation, ecological economics, and environmental policy.
Mark has worked with several students over the last 10 years to quantify animal use in prairie with different soil type and plant community structure associated with biomass feedstock production. He is the Biology Graduate Program Coordinator and leads the Summer Undergraduate Research Program and coordinates the Undergraduate Research Seminar.