Sample Press Release

Sample Press Release thompsbb

P R A I R I E  C O U N T Y  E N G I N E E R

1 2 3 4  H I G H W A Y  1

P R A I R I E  C I T Y ,  I O W A  5 4 3 2 1

5 5 5 - 1 2 3 - 4 5 6 7


Date: March 1, 2024

Contact: Mike Jones, Prairie County Roadside Manager – 555-123-4567


Prescribed Burning in County Rights-of-way

Prairie County IRVM will be conducting prescribed burns in county road rights-of-way during the next few months. Prescribed burns are an effective resource management tool utilized to discourage the growth of weeds and woody vegetation, while promoting the growth of desired native vegetation in roadside prairie sites. All staff members are certified in wildland firefighting and take all necessary safety precautions to minimize the risks associated with a prescribed fire. Please use caution when approaching a burn site as staff members and equipment may be near the traveled portion of the road.

For more information, contact the IRVM office at 555-123-4567.